Now Offering IV Hydration Therapy! 

IV (intravenous) Hydration Therapy is a medical treatment using sterile isotonic solutions to deliver vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream.

Rehydrate ($120)

Rehydrate is our recommended basic hydration therapy and includes  1000ml normal saline, magnesium, calcium, and B. vitamin complex.

Immune Booster ($185) 

Boost your immune system! Recommended for those about to take a flight, vacation, or for those who are starting to feel sick. Includes 1000ml normal saline, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B-12, B vitamin complex, vitamin C, and zinc.

Migraine and Pain ($175)

An excellent choice for those with migraines or acute / chronic pain who are seeking relief. Includes

1000ml normal saline, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B-12, B vitamin complex, ascorbic acid, ketorolac (anti-inflammatory / pain medication), ondansetron (for nausea), and dexamethasone (steroid which reduces inflammation and prevents rebound of symptoms).

Recovery ($150 )

The most sought after infusion for the relief offered after a great night out.  Includes 1000ml normal saline, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B-12, B vitamin complex, ascorbic acid, famotidine (for dyspepsia, nausea, acid reflux, GI upset), ketorolac (calms headache, body aches, and generalized discomfort), ondansetron (for nausea), and dexamethasone (calms inflammation).